Mine & Smelter Database

ACCESS to the ILZSG Mine and Smelter Database 

This easy-to-use interface, located on the ILZSG website, allows subscribers to access the extensive records held in the various ILZSG mine, smelter and new projects databases. Information listed and system benefits include:

  • details of 279 operating lead and zinc mines in 48 countries, 148 operating zinc plants in 32 countries and 400 operating lead plants in 78 countries
  • mapping facility available for a number of mines and plants
  • details of nearly 300 lead and zinc mine and smelter projects in 59 countries
  • listing of all lead and zinc mine and smelter openings and closures since 2000
  • for each category information may be requested by individual country, a specified number of countries or for all countries and, in the case of projects, by project type
  • all information is continuously updated
  • ability to export information to Excel, Word or pdf

The ILZSG Mine & Smelter Database is available by subscription.

An all-in package (Monthly Bulletin + Data Spreadsheet + Statistical Database + Mine and Smelter Database) with a 25% discount is also available.