Monthly Bulletin and Data Spreadsheet

ACCESS to the latest ILZSG Monthly Lead and Zinc Statistical Bulletin & Data Spreadsheet


First published in 1960 and the basis for much of the research and analysis undertaken on the lead and zinc markets around the globe, this publication provides subscribers with a detailed and comprehensive statistical overview of the fundamentals of lead and zinc supply and demand. Monthly data is provided on a country by country basis for lead and zinc mine production, primary and secondary metal production and metal usage. Trade data and information on LME, SHFE, producers and consumer stocks together with LME prices is also listed as are summary pages with quarterly global market balance calculations.


The Monthly Data Spreadsheet is updated and made available every month on the Group’s website, together with each Bulletin. It includes the most up to date key facts for lead and zinc, and extended monthly series of mine production, primary and secondary metal production and metal usage, by country, for both metals.

The Bulletin & Data Spreadsheet are available by subscription.


The next Bulletin and Data Spreadsheet will be released on 24 March.


Please click here for a free sample copy of an old issue of the Bulletin.

Please click here for a free sample copy of an old issue of the Data Spreadsheet.