The ILZSG was established by the United Nations in 1959 to:
The Study Group is one of the longest established International Commodity Organisations and as such has been the role model for other bodies such as the International Nickel Study Group and the International Copper Study Group.
The work of the Group is largely carried out by four committees: Standing, Statistical and Forecasting, Mine and Smelter Projects, Economic and Environment. Each committee is chaired by a representative from one of the ILZSG’s national delegations. The committee chairpersons report back to the whole Study Group during formal sessions which are held during October of each year. Further meetings take place in Spring, usually in Lisbon.
The main role of the ILZSG is to promote transparency in the global markets for lead and zinc. This is achieved by producing a continuous flow of information to the marketplace on supply and demand developments through the monthly publication of high quality statistics, in depth market research and specifically targeted economic studies. The Group also organises special conferences bringing together industry and governments to discuss matters of concern in the global lead and zinc markets.
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